About Us

Are you a surfer looking for the perfect board or a shaper looking to share your creations with the world? Look no further than Surf Neutral! We're the ultimate platform for connecting surfers with local surfboard shapers, businesses and fellow surfers.

We know firsthand how tough it can be to track down shapers, especially when you're new to a place. That's why we started Surf Neutral - to make it easy for surfers to learn about surfing and boards from the people who make them and to provide a way for surfers to try out different boards before committing to a purchase. And let's be real, no one wants to deal with the hassle of travelling with a surfboard - that's why we also allow surfers to travel surfboard-free and skip the airline drama.

To use www.surfneutral.com, our users can create a profile and load pictures and details of their models and boards onto their dedicated page. They can also choose to laminate a QR code into each board, which can be scanned by surfers using their cell phones to access information about the board such as location, shaper, brand, owner,...

Surfers can also rent and buy boards through the Surf Neutral platform.

We're dedicated to leading surfers to surfboard enthusiasts worldwide, so don't be shy - create a profile on Surf Neutral and become visible to the world! We can't wait to see your first board on the platform.

Lesley & Klaas

Contact Us

If you would like to learn more please contact us on info@surfneutral.com.