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Board of the week! #45 Wildcat surfboards

Surf Neutral Board of the Week - Week 45

This week, Surf Neutral want to say thanks to all the brilliant shapers who have become an integral part of our platform, sharing their surfboard craftsmanship with the world. For week 45, we're excited to spotlight another new brand, Wildcat Surfboards crafted by Ja Well. Plus, we're thrilled to remind you that the revamped Surf Neutral App is now more accessible than ever. Browse surfboards with your mobile and install the app onto your home screen.

About Wildcat Surfboards
Wildcat Surfboards, founded in 2016, embodies a unique perspective on surfboard shaping. Its founder, a passionate woman, challenges conventional norms in surfboard design. Wildcat Surfboards believes in the power of intuition and emotion, fearlessly embracing experimentation and learning from every endeavour.

Meet Ja Well, a shaper with a life story as fascinating as her surfboards.

Born with a name that signifies "the journey" in Arabic, Ja Well's life has indeed been an adventure. Originally from Loiret, France, Ja Well's path was far from predictable. 

Ja Well's initial passion was rock climbing, leading her to Grenoble, where she pursued climbing certifications and explored alpine geography. However, a significant climbing accident prompted her to reevaluate her life's direction. During a sabbatical year, she encountered her second love, snowboarding, and spent 15 years exploring the breathtaking alpine terrain.
In 2009, Ja Well decided to transition into the world of outdoor sports commerce. This decision brought her to the Southwest, where she encountered the ocean—an entity that symbolized both exhilaration and danger, given her non-waterproof condition. Undeterred by her limitations, Ja Well decided to learn to surf and ordered a custom silicone cap to address her ear issues. Her thirst for knowledge extended beyond simply riding waves. Ja Well yearned to comprehend the intricate dynamics of surfing, from the physical act to the fluid mechanics that created the ecstatic thrill of riding a wave.
The surfboard's shape became the bridge between these elements, representing the essence of this exhilarating madness. It was the "how" that captivated her, transforming dreams into reality and fostering self-confidence.

Ja Well's journey isn't just about shaping surfboards; it's about daring to dream and having faith in oneself. With influential figures like Gerry Lopez and Dan Costa as inspirations, Ja Well embarked on her shaping adventure in 2016, blending craftsmanship and passion for crafting between 20 and 100 unique surfboards so far. All her creations are meticulously hand-shaped with dedication and artistry.

Despite her challenges, Ja Well continues to shape her destiny in the world of surfing. Her favorite material is PU (polyurethane), and her surfboard models, like the one featured this week, demonstrate her dedication to quality and craftsmanship. Ja Well's "EVO" surfboard is a testament to her shaping expertise. Designed to provide intermediate surfers with increased confidence in larger waves, this board combines performance and style and measures 7’6” x 21" x 2 3/4". Its rounded square tail and 2+1 fin setup offer stability and control in a variety of conditions. Crafted with care, this PU board represents the dedication and passion Ja Well brings to her shaping journey.

Join us in celebrating Week 45 with Wildcat Surfboards by Ja Well, and don't forget to explore the enhanced Surf Neutral App for all your surfing/shaping needs. Thank you for being a part of our surf community! 🏄🌊

The Surf Neutral Team

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